
Monday, November 28, 2011

ノーベル賞田中氏起用で最終調整 国会原発事故調委の委員

ノーベル賞田中氏起用で最終調整 国会原発事故調委の委員 与野党は29日、国会に新設された東京電力福島第1原発事故調査委員会の委員にノーベル化学賞受賞者の田中耕一・島津製作所フェロー(52)を起用する方向で最終調整に入った。委員長は黒川清・元日本学術会議会長(75)を充てる方針だ。 委員の人選を担う衆参両院 ... ノーベル賞田中氏起用で最終調整 国会原発事故調委の委員

Kate Gosselin Denies Facelift Rumors

Kate Gosselin Denies Facelift Rumors She certainly doesn't look like she did 10 years ago, but Kate Gosselin hasn't gone under the knife and she recently took to her blog to address the recent rumors. In response to claims she had a facelift, the reality TV star, who just began writing a ... Kate Gosselin Denies Facelift Rumors

Live updates: Egypt's first post-Mubarak elections kick off

Live updates: Egypt's first post-Mubarak elections kick offLive updates: Egypt's first post-Mubarak elections kick off 15:10 The Islamist Wasat Party filed a complaint in Fayoum against the Muslim Brotherhood's FJP for breaching election laws by leafleting outside electoral polls and using microphones to call on people to vote for their candidates. ... Live updates: Egypt's first post-Mubarak elections kick off

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