
Wednesday, November 16, 2011


在吉林省吉林市舒兰市有一个远近闻名的"俄罗斯新娘村"。村内年轻人大多赴俄罗斯"淘金",不仅成就了200多位百万富翁,还娶回了22位俄罗斯姑娘。"俄罗斯新娘村"的出现,昭示了农村的巨大变迁。 "俄罗斯新娘村"即舒兰市小 ... "俄罗斯新娘村"昭示农村变迁

Le gouvernement de Mario Monti obtient la confiance au Sénat italien

Le gouvernement de Mario Monti obtient la confiance au Sénat italienLe gouvernement de Mario Monti obtient la confiance au Sénat italien Le Sénat italien a voté ce soir la confiance au nouveau président du Conseil, Mario Monti, qui a formé un "gouvernement technique" pour tenter de sortir le pays de la crise économique et financière. Premier test parlementaire réussi pour le ... Le gouvernement de Mario Monti obtient la confiance au Sénat italien

深圳每年千具遗体无人认领 大多强制火化

深圳每年千具遗体无人认领 大多强制火化 15日下午,在市殡仪馆,华裔美国人钟伟琪的遗体仍放在冰柜里。南都记者赵炎雄摄 华裔美国人钟伟琪10月11日客死深圳后无人认领,美国驻广州总领事馆要求深圳殡仪馆按中国法律处理。深圳一年有多少遗体无人认领?无人认 ... 深圳每年千具遗体无人认领 大多强制火化

Cristi Chivu s-ar putea muta la Paris

Cristi Chivu s-ar putea muta la Paris PSG este prima grupare cu care Ioan Becali va demara negocieri care-l privesc pe fotbalistul reşiţean. Fotbalistul Cristian Chivu (31 de ani) şi-ar putea schimba echipa, dacă Inter Milano nu-i va prelungi înţelegerea scadentă la vară, iar condiţiile să ... Cristi Chivu s-ar putea muta la Paris

Canciller de Nicaragua visitará Corea del Sur y Vietnam

Canciller de Nicaragua visitará Corea del Sur y Vietnam El canciller de Nicaragua, Samuel Santos, iniciará el próximo martes 22 de noviembre una gira por Vietnam y Corea del Sur para estrechar los lazos de cooperación y promover las inversiones con las dos naciones asiáticas, informó este jueves una fuente ... Canciller de Nicaragua visitará Corea del Sur y Vietnam

Newt Gingrich's ties to Freddie Mac could puncture popularity balloon

Newt Gingrich's ties to Freddie Mac could puncture popularity balloonNewt Gingrich's ties to Freddie Mac could puncture popularity balloon By Star-Ledger Editorial Board Scott Olson/Getty ImagesFormer Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich speaks during a debate hosted by CNBC and the Michigan Republican Party at Oakland University on November 9 in Rochester, Michigan. ... Newt Gingrich's ties to Freddie Mac could puncture popularity balloon


高盛:新房售价明年下半年企稳 "一二线城市房价在走稳之前至少还有10%的降幅。"高盛、摩根大通等外资行研究机构近两日不约而同地对中国的房地产市场发出看跌观点,认为大地产公司将在行业兼并重组中获利。高盛地产分析师王逸认为,一手房价格调整的 ... 高盛:新房售价明年下半年企稳

Politica marittima, si' Parlamento Ue a 40 mln per 2011-2013

Politica marittima, si' Parlamento Ue a 40 mln per 2011-2013 (ANSA) - STRASBURGO 17 NOV - Via libera del Parlamento europeo a stanziare ulteriori 40 milioni di euro nel bilancio della politica marittima integrata europea, per il triennio 2011-2013. Il testo, approvato a grandissima maggioranza dai deputati ... Politica marittima, si' Parlamento Ue a 40 mln per 2011-2013

神八飞船完成使命星夜返故乡 天宫一号期待航天员明年造访(图)

神八飞船完成使命星夜返故乡 天宫一号期待航天员明年造访(图) 11月17日,神八飞船返回舱在内蒙古四子王旗着陆。这是现场工作人员打开飞船舱门。 新华社记者李刚摄 新华网内蒙古四子王旗11月17日电(记者王经国、田兆运)17日19时32分,圆满完成与天宫一号目标飞行器两次交会对接使 ... 神八飞船完成使命星夜返故乡 天宫一号期待航天员明年造访(图)

UK: Intel foiled attack on Westerners in Libya

UK: Intel foiled attack on Westerners in Libya By CASSANDRA VINOGRAD AP British intelligence agencies foiled an attack on the leadership of Libya's National Transitional Council and Western representatives by forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi, Foreign Secretary William Hague said Wednesday. ... UK: Intel foiled attack on Westerners in Libya

Olympus Pledges $3.3 Billion Debt Cut, Seeks Bank Support

Olympus Pledges $3.3 Billion Debt Cut, Seeks Bank Support By Takako Taniguchi and Shigeru Sato Nov. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Olympus Corp., the endoscope maker being investigated for alleged accounting irregularities, pledged to cut debt by 256.6 billion yen ($3.3 billion), according to a document distributed ... Olympus Pledges $3.3 Billion Debt Cut, Seeks Bank Support

Saudi Ambassador expects support on deploring Iranian plot

Saudi Ambassador expects support on deploring Iranian plot UNITED NATIONS, Nov 17 (KUNA) -- The Saudi Ambassador to the UN Abdullah Al-Moallemi late Wednesday was confident that the draft resolution deploring the Iranian disrupted plot last month to allegedly assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the US Adel ... Saudi Ambassador expects support on deploring Iranian plot

路虎极光2012款 南京现车销售74.5万元

路虎极光2012款 南京现车销售74.5万元 路虎极光(Evoque)是路虎品牌中车身最为紧凑的SUV车型,是路虎LRX概念车的量产版本,是一款高性价比的豪华越野车。近日,网上车市编辑从南京路虎经销商处获悉,极光在官方指导价的基础上加11.7万销售。感兴趣的车友们不 ... 路虎极光2012款 南京现车销售74.5万元

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