
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Euro-Partnern geht die Geduld aus - Berlin blockiert den Befreiungsschlag

Euro-Partnern geht die Geduld aus - Berlin blockiert den Befreiungsschlag Brüssel (RPO). Seit Tagen geistert die Forderung nach Eurobonds im Kampf gegen die Euro-Schuldenkrise durch die Regierungssitze Europas. Und auch ein stärkeres Eingreifen der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) wird allerortens gefordert. ... Euro-Partnern geht die Geduld aus - Berlin blockiert den Befreiungsschlag

KFOR: Österreicher im Visier von Söldnern

KFOR: Österreicher im Visier von Söldnern Die Angreifer im Kosovo waren großteils serbische Söldner. Sieben verletzte Soldaten wurden nach Hause geflogen. Langsam werden erste Details um die gewalttätigen Auseinandersetzungen im Kosovo bekannt: Die österreichischen KFOR-Soldaten und ihre ... KFOR: Österreicher im Visier von Söldnern

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Zoektocht naar vermiste Jair (7)

Zoektocht naar vermiste Jair (7) DEN HAAG - Militairen kammen woensdag het duingebied bij Monster uit in verband met de verdwijning van Jair Soares. Het 7-jarige jongetje verdween op 4 augustus 1995 spoorloos. De politie heeft de zaak heropend naar aanleiding van informatie die De ... Zoektocht naar vermiste Jair (7)

Ontario Premier wants to clear road for beer delivery service

Ontario Premier wants to clear road for beer delivery service OTTAWA— The fate of an innovative home-delivery service for specialty brewer Beau's beer has reached the desk of Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty. Liberal MPP Grant Crack said Monday that he has discussed the issue with McGuinty, ... Ontario Premier wants to clear road for beer delivery service

アメリカン航空の親会社、破産法申請し倒産 運行は継続

アメリカン航空の親会社、破産法申請し倒産 運行は継続 米航空大手アメリカン航空の親会社AMRは29日、米連邦破産法11条を申請して倒産したと発表した。アメリカンはこれまで、米大手のなかで唯一倒産を免れてきたが、格安航空会社(LCC)などとの激しい競争で人件費などが経営の重荷となり、赤字決算が続いていた。 ... アメリカン航空の親会社、破産法申請し倒産 運行は継続

Monday, November 28, 2011

ノーベル賞田中氏起用で最終調整 国会原発事故調委の委員

ノーベル賞田中氏起用で最終調整 国会原発事故調委の委員 与野党は29日、国会に新設された東京電力福島第1原発事故調査委員会の委員にノーベル化学賞受賞者の田中耕一・島津製作所フェロー(52)を起用する方向で最終調整に入った。委員長は黒川清・元日本学術会議会長(75)を充てる方針だ。 委員の人選を担う衆参両院 ... ノーベル賞田中氏起用で最終調整 国会原発事故調委の委員

Kate Gosselin Denies Facelift Rumors

Kate Gosselin Denies Facelift Rumors She certainly doesn't look like she did 10 years ago, but Kate Gosselin hasn't gone under the knife and she recently took to her blog to address the recent rumors. In response to claims she had a facelift, the reality TV star, who just began writing a ... Kate Gosselin Denies Facelift Rumors

Live updates: Egypt's first post-Mubarak elections kick off

Live updates: Egypt's first post-Mubarak elections kick offLive updates: Egypt's first post-Mubarak elections kick off 15:10 The Islamist Wasat Party filed a complaint in Fayoum against the Muslim Brotherhood's FJP for breaching election laws by leafleting outside electoral polls and using microphones to call on people to vote for their candidates. ... Live updates: Egypt's first post-Mubarak elections kick off

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Timpul se scurge pentru zona euro: mai are 10 zile la dispoziţie pentru a ...

Timpul se scurge pentru zona euro: mai are 10 zile la dispoziţie pentru a ... Wolfgang Munchau, expert în politicile UE şi analist pe teme economice, a avertizat, în Financial Times, că zona euro mai are 10 zile la dispoziţie pentru a evita colapsul, în contextul în care săptămâna trecută Germania a avut parte de o vânzare ... Timpul se scurge pentru zona euro: mai are 10 zile la dispoziţie pentru a ...

勝華營運轉佳 法人持續追捧 股價突破月線

勝華營運轉佳 法人持續追捧 股價突破月線 觸控面板大廠勝華(2384-TW)受惠客戶諾基亞(Nokia)、HTC陸續推出新機,以及預計亞馬遜Kindle Fire聖誕節將再掀起熱潮,今日買盤持續加碼,盤中漲幅一度超過4%,股價突破月線。 勝華週四見到外資開始回補,週五更是大舉買進,股價跳空上漲,成交量放大到85959張,外資大幅買 ... 勝華營運轉佳 法人持續追捧 股價突破月線

苦学华文半世纪 李光耀:我怎么可能消灭华文

苦学华文半世纪 李光耀:我怎么可能消灭华文 李光耀70岁以后才学电脑,用电脑学华文让他觉得很方便。(海峡时报) 据新加坡《联合早报》报道,很多人评断,是建国总理李光耀消灭了新加坡的中华文化和华文教育。但李光耀在他的新书《我一生的挑战——新加坡双语之路》中 ... 苦学华文半世纪 李光耀:我怎么可能消灭华文

Egypt heads to landmark vote in turmoil, confusion

Egypt heads to landmark vote in turmoil, confusion AP | Posted: Sunday, November 27, 2011 1:59 pm | Loading… A protester wearing the Egyptian flag stands beneath a banner reading,"the street of free eyes," that hangs over a street where many protesters lost their eyes during clashes near Tahrir Square ... Egypt heads to landmark vote in turmoil, confusion

Hart reddet City

Hart reddet City Joe Hart ble etter hvert kampens store spiller da Manchester City enda en gang gikk ubeseiret av banen. – Joe reddet oss på slutten, men vi hadde vår sjanse på slutten også, sier manager Roberto Mancini. – De er gode, og vi visste det ville bli ... Hart reddet City

Syria isolated after unprecedented Arab League sanctions

Syria isolated after unprecedented Arab League sanctions Syria, already facing a growing military insurgency, was left isolated last night after its Arab neighbours voted for an unprecedented package of sanctions. By Richard Spencer, Cairo Arab League ministers meeting in Cairo voted overwhelmingly to carry ... Syria isolated after unprecedented Arab League sanctions


印度因達賴問題推遲中印邊界談判 印度政府突然推遲原定今個星期召開的中印邊境談判,當地傳媒透露,印度政府不滿中方要求制止西藏流亡精神領袖達賴喇嘛,在新德里一個宗教活動致辭,而押後會談,達賴的發言人則指,達賴出席宗教活動,並無政治目的,按計劃,達賴會在周三向數千名信眾發言。 ... 印度因達賴問題推遲中印邊界談判

Malema May Turn From Politics to Cattle Farming, Times Reports

Malema May Turn From Politics to Cattle Farming, Times Reports By Jana Marais - Sun Nov 27 11:30:01 GMT 2011 Julius Malema, the suspended president of the youth wing of South Africa's ruling African National Congress, said he intends to start cattle farming as his political career may be over, the Sunday Times ... Malema May Turn From Politics to Cattle Farming, Times Reports

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Federer in Tsonga v finalu zaključnega mastersa v Londonu

Federer in Tsonga v finalu zaključnega mastersa v Londonu London - Četrti igralec sveta Švicar Roger Federer se je prebil v finale zaključnega teniškega turnirja v Londonu. V polfinalu je ugnal petega igralca Španca Davida Ferrerja s 7:5 in 6:3 v nizih. V finalu se bo Federer pomeril s Francozom Jo-Wilfriedom ... Federer in Tsonga v finalu zaključnega mastersa v Londonu

Peñarol se quedó con la gloria en el Súper 8

Peñarol se quedó con la gloria en el Súper 8Peñarol se quedó con la gloria en el Súper 8 Con la garra del "Chapu Nocioni", el Milrayitas remontó un partidazo como local, derrotó 78-75 a Libertad y se coronó campeón del torneo. "A descansar ya volver a la NBA" aseguró el alero santafesino, quien así dio por terminado el sueño de seguir en ... Peñarol se quedó con la gloria en el Súper 8

谢芷蕙迷惑陈冠希内幕曝光 师妹:她花钱请狐仙

谢芷蕙迷惑陈冠希内幕曝光 师妹:她花钱请狐仙 因和陈冠希激吻照曝光,香港16岁嫩模谢芷蕙一夜成名,近日她被曝勾搭广告男模沈志明、内地歌手井柏然和香港演员王浩信等7名男星,被港媒戏称"集邮女杀手",其同门师妹更称谢芷蕙是花钱请狐仙上身。 谢芷蕙被曝"追男功 ... 谢芷蕙迷惑陈冠希内幕曝光 师妹:她花钱请狐仙

11-26-11: The Star-Ledger's Photos of the Day

11-26-11: The Star-Ledger's Photos of the Day By David Gard Supporters of incumbent president Joseph Kabila block a car as they gather to support their candidate in the capital Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo. Local media reported that the government has ordered all planned campaign ... 11-26-11: The Star-Ledger's Photos of the Day

Felipe Menezes: "Espero ajudar o Botafogo"

Felipe Menezes: "Espero ajudar o Botafogo" Precisando vencer o Atlético-MG para tentar conquistar uma vaga na Taça Libertadores 2012, o Botafogo pode contar com a presença do meia-atacante Felipe Menezes no time titular do Alvinegro. O técnico interino Flavio Tenius ainda não desenhou ... Felipe Menezes: "Espero ajudar o Botafogo"

V-Mann offenbar auch bei Neonazi-Netzwerk „Brigade Ost“: Was wusste der ...

V-Mann offenbar auch bei Neonazi-Netzwerk „Brigade Ost Ein Garagenkomplex in Johanngeorgenstadt (Sachsen). Hier trafen sich Mitglieder der rechtsradikalen Gruppe „Brigade Ost" – einige von ihnen sollen die Zwickauer Killer-Nazis unterstützt haben Am Donnerstag wurde Andre E. (32) geschnappt, der Macher der ... V-Mann offenbar auch bei Neonazi-Netzwerk „Brigade Ost": Was wusste der ...

Three killed in clashes in Yemen's north

Three killed in clashes in Yemen's north SANAA (Reuters) - Ten people were killed in north Yemen Saturday when Shi'ite Muslim rebels shelled positions held by Sunni Islamist Salafi fighters after the collapse of a week-old cease-fire, a Salafi spokesman said. The conflict between the Shi'ite ... Three killed in clashes in Yemen's north

Tarlós: januárban csődbe mehet a BKV

Tarlós: januárban csődbe mehet a BKV Tarlós István (Fidesz-KDNP) főpolgármester szerint a BKV januárban csődbe megy, veszélybe kerülhet több közlekedési beruházás - így a 4-es metró is -, ha nem változtatnak a finanszírozási rendszeren. A főpolgármester szombati rendkívüli ... Tarlós: januárban csődbe mehet a BKV

Friday, November 25, 2011

La vita «difficile» dei malati reumatici

La vita «difficile» dei malati reumatici L'impatto di spondilite anchilosante, artrite reumatoide e psoriasica nella quotidianità. Due pazienti su 3 si sentono condizionati L'impatto di spondilite anchilosante, artrite reumatoide e psoriasica nella quotidianità. Due pazienti su 3 si sentono ... La vita «difficile» dei malati reumatici

Money knowledge and money power

Money knowledge and money power It's easy enough for one event to almost slip through the cracks -- such as this past month having also been Financial Literacy Month. But better late than never for it to be the focus of an article, right? After all, Canadians might be able to use a ... Money knowledge and money power

尿毒症晚期患者介绍销赃被抓 曾因贩毒获刑

尿毒症晚期患者介绍销赃被抓 曾因贩毒获刑 昨日(11月25日),记者从湖南隆回县公安局桃花坪派出所了解到,陈卫民因为涉嫌介绍销赃,被公安机关抓获。陈卫民的母亲胡社云代表儿子向广大爱心人士表达歉意:"对不起,我儿子隐瞒了他误入歧途的事实。他是没有办法才这 ... 尿毒症晚期患者介绍销赃被抓 曾因贩毒获刑

TEPAV, ABD Merkezi açıyor

TEPAV, ABD Merkezi açıyor TEPAV'dan yapılan açıklamaya göre, merkezin açılış töreni 28 Kasım Pazartesi günü, Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği (TOBB) Başkanı Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, ABD Ankara Büyükelçisi Francis J. Ricciardone ve TEPAV Direktörü Güven Sak'ın katılımıyla ... TEPAV, ABD Merkezi açıyor

Thursday, November 24, 2011


地政總署:3幅地皮共收16份標書 沙田石門商貿地皮及大嶼山長沙2幅「限量」住宅地今截標。地政總署發言人表示,大嶼山長沙406號地盤及407號地盤,各收到6份標書。而沙田石門商貿地皮收到4份,故3幅地皮合共收到16份標書。 香港新浪新聞現已開設Facebook專頁,讓你即時掌握本地、中國、國際新聞、財經消息 ... 地政總署:3幅地皮共收16份標書

Cowboys beat the clock, Dolphins

Cowboys beat the clock, Dolphins By Jaime Aron AP / November 25, 2011 ARLINGTON, Texas - Win big, win small; win pretty, win ugly. Tony Romo learned long ago that victories are the only thing that matter in the NFL. So on a day when he was sloppier than he'd been in months, ... Cowboys beat the clock, Dolphins

Efecto electricidad sigue presionando la inflación: INEGI

Efecto electricidad sigue presionando la inflación: INEGI La inflación sin subsidio a la electricidad creció 0.97% en los primeros 15 días de noviembre, nivel que no se veía desde hace tres años para un periodo similar, según datos del INEGI. Analistas observaron que en ese periodo los precios de algunos ... Efecto electricidad sigue presionando la inflación: INEGI


津门24口之家成为 本报讯 (记者刘桂芳)昨天从中央电视台春晚宣传组获悉,龙年春晚"最美全家福"征集活动顺利结束。网名为"my犽糖"的网友发送的"最美全家福"成功入选,她的家庭成为唯一入选此次征集活动的天津家庭。在这个除夕夜,她家的 ... 津门24口之家成为"最美"


基层医疗机构仍是抗生素滥用重灾区 眼下正值流感高发期,不少患者扎堆到医院输液,抗生素滥用的问题再度引起关注。《经济参考报》记者日前调查发现,在卫生部的数次整治之下,二级甲等以上医院抗生素的使用率有了明显降低,但基层医疗机构以及诊所药店仍是 ... 基层医疗机构仍是抗生素滥用重灾区

Occupy movements nationwide celebrate holiday

Occupy movements nationwide celebrate holidayOccupy movements nationwide celebrate holiday John Minchillo / AP Occupy Wall Street protestors dig into their thanksgiving dinner in Zuccotti Park, Thursday in New York. By NBC New York and Associated Press Most Americans spent Thanksgiving inside their homes with families, food and football. ... Occupy movements nationwide celebrate holiday

事業單位擬將公開招聘新進人員 不得設歧視條件

事業單位擬將公開招聘新進人員 不得設歧視條件 本報北京11月24日電國務院法制辦今天公布《事業單位人事管理條例(以下簡稱征求意見稿),面向社會各界征求意見。征求意見稿明確,事業單位新進人員應當公開招聘,公開招聘不得設置歧視性條件,公開招聘采取考試與考察相結合的辦法,擇優聘用。 公開招聘和競聘上崗,是 ... 事業單位擬將公開招聘新進人員 不得設歧視條件

Coppa Italia: Cagliari ko,Siena a ottavi

Coppa Italia: Cagliari ko,Siena a ottavi (ANSA) - ROMA, 24 NOV - Il Siena ha battuto il Cagliari 2-1 e si qualifica per gli ottavi di Coppa Italia. Per i toscani reti di Gonzales e Angelo, mentre il gol dei sardi e' stato segnato da Sampaio. Per i rossoblu' di Ballardini continua la crisi, ... Coppa Italia: Cagliari ko,Siena a ottavi

促销升级 绿景集团祭出3年保本回购(图)

促销升级 绿景集团祭出3年保本回购(图) 昨日,深圳两家都市类媒体封面齐齐刊出绿景集团的楼盘销售广告,与众不同的是,绿景集团承诺购房3年可保本回购。据了解,这种卖房手段在深圳还是首次出现,显示出楼房销量萎缩情况下,营销方法有升级趋势。不过专家分析 ... 促销升级 绿景集团祭出3年保本回购(图)

'Breaking Dawn' shines at BO with $12.5 mil

'Breaking Dawn' shines at BO with $12.5 mil'Breaking Dawn' shines at BO with $12.5 mil Nearly doubling Wednesday's second place title, Summit's "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn -- Part 1" kick started Thanksgiving weekend with $12.5 million, while Disney's "The Muppets" followed with an opening day tally of $6.6 ... 'Breaking Dawn' shines at BO with $12.5 mil

Belarus Jails Rights Activist for Tax Evasion

Belarus Jails Rights Activist for Tax Evasion MINSK — A Belarussian court jailed leading human rights activist Ales Belyatsky for 4 and 1/2 years for tax evasion on Thursday, sparking an outcry in the European Union, particularly in neighboring EU countries that unwittingly aided his prosecution. ... Belarus Jails Rights Activist for Tax Evasion

Zapala: Comunidad de pueblos originarios bloquean planta de petroleo en ...

Zapala: Comunidad de pueblos originarios bloquean planta de petroleo en ...Zapala: Comunidad de pueblos originarios bloquean planta de petroleo en ... Una protesta de miembros de la comunidad mapuche de Argentina afectaba el jueves la producción de gas en una planta procesadora de la empresa Apache en la patagónica provincia de Neuquén, dijo una fuente de la empresa. Los manifestantes del pueblo ... Zapala: Comunidad de pueblos originarios bloquean planta de petroleo en ...

Manifestación contra Flor Alba de GH2012 en Uruguay

Manifestación contra Flor Alba de GH2012 en Uruguay Florencia Alba González, la uruguaya que participa en Gran Hermano 2012, protagonizó un accidente automovilístico en 2008, en el que murió un joven motociclista. Segpun informa el diario El País de Uruguay, ayer unas 30 personas se concentraron frente ... Manifestación contra Flor Alba de GH2012 en Uruguay

Crise: sommet Merkel-Sarkozy-Monti, le bras de fer sur la BCE continue

Crise: sommet Merkel-Sarkozy-Monti, le bras de fer sur la BCE continue STRASBOURG (France) - Un mini-sommet des trois plus grandes économies de la zone euro, Allemagne, France et Italie, a débuté jeudi à Strasbourg, alors le bras de fer se poursuit entre Paris et Berlin sur le rôle de la Banque centrale européenne (BCE) ... Crise: sommet Merkel-Sarkozy-Monti, le bras de fer sur la BCE continue


湖南湘西留守儿童常年咸菜辣酱下饭 凤凰县山江镇完小四年级的吴彬每周带一罐辣椒酱,到周末正好吃完。让他兴奋的是今天是周五了,周末回家能吃到肉了。 四年级的龙张欢(窗外)与三年级的王艳辉是一个村的,两人常在一起吃饭。 学生们带的菜主要就是辣椒酱 ... 湖南湘西留守儿童常年咸菜辣酱下饭

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Construtora espacial chinesa processa BMW por propaganda

Construtora espacial chinesa processa BMW por propaganda A Academia Chinesa de Tecnologia de Veículos de Lançamento, organismo estatal que desenha e produz a família de foguetes espaciais chineses Longa Marcha, processou a montadora alemã BMW por utilizar a imagem de um de seus propulsores em um anúncio ... Construtora espacial chinesa processa BMW por propaganda

New NASA rover to scout for life on Mars

New NASA rover to scout for life on Mars Florida: A nuclear-powered rover as big as a compact car is set to begin a nine-month journey to Mars this weekend to learn if the planet is or ever was suitable for life. The launch of NASA's $2.5 billion Mars Science Laboratory aboard an unmanned ... New NASA rover to scout for life on Mars

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